MK-7: Activates the factors that mobilise Calcium into the bones, helps the skeletal system to develop healthily and increases body length, enabling children to reach the ideal height and body shape in adulthood.
Calcium and Vitamin D3: Basic elements necessary for skeletal system development. The product contains 100% Milk Calcium which is soluble and easy for the body to absorb. This optimises Calcium absorption for a strong skeletal system
Vitagrow - Reach optimal height
Vitagrow milk is a formula product with 100% milk Calcium and added MK-7 which helps mobilise Calcium into bones for children to grow taller. The products are recommended by nutritionists to help children quickly reach their ideal height.
Nutritional product Vitagrow is the most suitable choice which is rich in nutrients to help increase height, healthy weight gain, visual brain development, constipation prevention and boosting the immune system.
Benefits From Vitagrow
Nutritional ingredients Vitagrow 2+
Average composition
In 100g of flour
In one cup
- Năng lượng/Energy49273.8kcal
- Protein11.21.68g
- Chất béo/Fat253.75g
- Carbohydrate55.58.33g
- DHA36.755.51mg
- Choline7010.5mg
- Taurine15.42.31mg
- Inositol304.5mg
- MK-7101.5µg
- Nucleotides203mg
- AMP4.20.63mg
- CMP71.05mg
- GMP1.40.21mg
- IMP2.40.36mg
- UMP50.75mg
- Chất xơ hòa tan/Dietary Fiber (FOS)30.45g
- Natri/Sodium12418.6mg
- Kali/Potassium48372.45mg
- Canxi/Calcium44566.75mg
- Photpho/Phosphorus44066mg
- Magie/Magnesium517.65mg
- Sắt/Iron3.60.54mg
- Kẽm/Zinc2.30.35mg
- Đồng/Copper18427.6µg
- Iot/Iodine365.4µg
- Mangan/Manganese21.33.2µg
- Selen/Selenium9.81.47µg
- Vitamin A1450217.5IU
- Vitamin D329243.8IU
- Vitamin E10.21.53mg
- Vitamin K1548.1µg
- Vitamin C609mg
- Vitamin B150075µg
- Vitamin B21060159µg
- Vitamin B627040.5µg
- Vitamin B1220.3µg
- Axit Pantothenic/Pantothenic Acid3820573µg
- Niacin2590388.5µg
- Axit Folic/Folic Acid517.65µg
- Biotin22.63.39µg
Average composition
In 100g of flour
In one cup
- Năng lượng/Energy467.2168.2kcal
- Protein16.35.87g
- Chất béo/Fat207.2g
- Carbohydrate55.519.98g
- DHA3211.52mg
- Choline7527mg
- Taurine207.2mg
- Inositol269.36mg
- MK-7207.2µg
- Nucleotides207.2mg
- AMP4.21.51mg
- CMP72.52mg
- GMP1.40.5mg
- IMP2.40.86mg
- UMP51.8mg
- Chất xơ hòa tan (FOS)/Dietary Fiber (FOS)3.31.19g
- Natri/Sodium18064.8mg
- Kali/Potassium548197.3mg
- Canxi/Calcium700252mg
- Photpho/Phosphorus568204.5mg
- Magie/Magnesium79.228.51mg
- Sắt/Iron5.51.98mg
- Kẽm/Zinc3.81.37mg
- Đồng/Copper24889.28µg
- Iot/Iodine5620.16µg
- Mangan/Manganese2910.44µg
- Selen/Selenium11.44.1µg
- Vitamin A1550558IU
- Vitamin D3309111.2IU
- Vitamin E113.96mg
- Vitamin K155.519.98µg
- Vitamin C6724.12mg
- Vitamin B1610219.6µg
- Vitamin B21300468µg
- Vitamin B6380136.8µg
- Vitamin B122.20.79µg
- Axit Pantothenic/Pantothenic Acid43001548µg
- Niacin2600936µg
- Axit Folic/Folic Acid6423.04µg
- Biotin259µg
Average composition
In 100g of flour
In one cup
- Protein14.86.96g
- Chất béo/Fat15.57.29g
- Carbohydrate6229.14g
- DHA209.4mg
- Choline6028.2mg
- Taurine219.87mg
- Inositol2913.63mg
- MK-7209.4µg
- Nucleotides209.4mg
- AMP4.21.97mg
- CMP73.29mg
- GMP1.40.66mg
- IMP2.41.13mg
- UMP52.35mg
- Chất xơ hòa tan (FOS)/Dietary Fiber (FOS)3.61.69g
- Natri/Sodium14869.56mg
- Kali/Potassium507238.3mg
- Canxi/Calcium720338.4mg
- Photpho/Phosphorus607285.3mg
- Magie/Magnesium9645.12mg
- Sắt/Iron73.29mg
- Kẽm/Zinc4.72.21mg
- Đồng/Copper307144.3µg
- Iot/Iodine68.332.1µg
- Mangan/Manganese3516.45µg
- Selen/Selenium12.25.73µg
- Vitamin A1560733.2IU
- Vitamin D3315148.1IU
- Vitamin E11.25.26mg
- Vitamin K156.526.56µg
- Vitamin C7032.9mg
- Vitamin B1670314.9µg
- Vitamin B21400658µg
- Vitamin B6430202.1µg
- Vitamin B122.31.08µg
- Axit Pantothenic/Pantothenic Acid44402087µg
- Niacin26001222µg
- Axit Folic/Folic Acid14166.27µg
- Biotin2511.75µg
- Năng lượng/Energy446.7210kcal
Types and specifications of packaging
Vitagrow comes in the following formats:
Milk Powder
400g tin
900g tin